NPE Technology registered office

NPE Technology
NPE Technology works wherever there is a combustion, without flow rate limits, transforming 99.88% of CO2 and at the end of the process waste can be reused in the system; NPE Technology also completely neutralises NOx, SOX, HC, PM10, PM2.5.

About NPE
NPE has many years of experience and expertise in R&D for the TRANSFORMATION of CO2 emissions AND THE NEUTRALISATION OF NOX, SOX, HC, PM10, PM2.5.

Multinational company SGS, leader in the services for the analysis, verification and certification of environmental emissions, carried out the sampling of the emissions UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM NPE Technology.
CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) and BUREAU VERITAS were present at the monitoring activity carried out by SGS which issued the certificate of the monitoring of the emissions with certified instruments; CNR issued its own report on the monitoring carried out by SGS; BUREAU VERITAS, who was present and witnessed the sampling of the emissions carried out by SGS, stamped SGS and CNR certificates and reports as a third independent party.
You can download certificates here:

Maritime sector, industrial sector, heavy industry, (agricultural tractors and automotive sector- following a component resizing study).

NPE INVESTING is a New Power Energy Kft enterprise.